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Találatok száma: 26
Téma: Vectrix
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 09. 18:57 | Sorszám: 425

Csak nekem tünik furának a "költséghatékony" szó? Miért nem egyszerüen "takarékos" vagy "gazdaságos"?
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 06. 18:29 | Sorszám: 422
GoldPeak Batteries Announces the Acquisition of Vectrix

Vectrix has a bright future ahead!

On the 6th of November 2009 GoldPeak Batteries International announced the acquisition of all assets
and certain liabilities of Middletown RI based Vectrix Corporation. Before that, Vectrix Corporation filed
for bankruptcy under chapter 11, US bankruptcy law (for details please see official press release from GP
published Nov, 6th).
Gold Peak Group is a public listed company in Singapore and Hong Kong and is one of the leading
battery suppliers worldwide.
GoldPeak established for this transaction a Delaware based company called New Vectrix and re-named
as Vectrix Corporation. Vectrix Corporation is 100 % owned by GP Batteries through EVB Technology
(HK) Limited. The organizational structure of the new company will be communicated later
The Vectrix Corporation is now working to consolidate all the activities (headquarter, sales, technology
and production). Lean manufacturing is based in Wroclaw, Poland and keep continues operation as
Vectrix continues to produce the Vx1 bikes and provides customers with accessories, spare parts and
technical support.
The company is currently developing new models of high performance, zero emission scooters and will
be introducing them in the near future: By the summer 2010 a new version of the Vx1 including several
technical improvements will be introduced to the market. The new Vx1 will have a GoldPeak Li Iron
Phosphate Battery. For the existing Vx1 customers, an upgrade kit to the Li battery technology will be

Two smaller electric scooters are also under development: one will be a 50cc equivalent and one will be
a 150cc equivalent. Both scooters will be powered by a GP Li Iron Phosphate battery.
Vectrix will inform all dealers at appropriate time about the technical performance parameters,
availability and price structures of the new bikes.
Vectrix acknowledges all warranty claims in Europe regarding Vx1 bikes which were maintained
according to the operator's manual and which were officially registered for warranty with Vectrix.
Wolfgang Gohl, former Vice president for Operations and new Vice President commented the take over
by Goldpeak: “This move is a triple win for customers, suppliers and for the employees. It provides the
required stability to develop the key market and the right product. The EV market is just starting to
emerge, first policies are under development and Vectrix and his partners are in a prime position to
supply a quality product for various applications.”
Wesley Lau, Head of Strategies Business Unit & Special Project – GP Batteries and New assigned
President of Vectrix commented the partnership: “Vectrix is the leading brand in the electric 2-wheel
market. This is based on a superior product and good positioning in the market. We will work with all
our customers to enhance this position and provide even better solutions to the electric vehicle
Wroclaw, Nov, 15th, 2009

Válaszok pár lenti kérdésre

Gondolom az "offered" (sajnos) itt nem azt jelenti, hogy ingyen kínálják majd a csereakksikat a korábbi VX1-tulajoknak... de jövö nyáron Rendes Kis majd megmondja mennyiért cserélte ki a sajátját
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 02. 22:34 | Sorszám: 418
Csak azt mondom, hogy a képek a jelenlegi Vectrixröl készültek és nem a jövöbeniröl

Szinte bizti h litiumos Vectrix rendszámmal, utcán még nem szaladgál.
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 02. 21:06 | Sorszám: 416
Ha azokra a képekre gondolsz ami a hír felett/alatt vannak, azok régiek és biztos hogy nem egy litiumos Vectrixröl készültek.
...vagy netán láttál már valahol olyat?
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 02. 20:22 | Sorszám: 414
Na igen... majd kiderül in the future

De egy litium-Vectrix már tényleg "királynö" lenne(/lesz?): minusz jópár kiló, plusz jópár km autonómia, talán a végsebességet is feljebb merik tekerni egy kicsit... mi kell még? Ja igen: legyen olcsó

Plusz engem az is érdekelne, hogy vajon úgy csinálják-e majd, hogy "kompatibilis" legyen, vagyis hogy egy NiMH elemes bringát át lehet-e majd buherálni LiFePo4 elemesre különösebb egyéb hardvercsere nélkül.
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 01. 22:48 | Sorszám: 412
Jaja, én is ennek örülök: végre kijavítják a szinte egyetlen gyengéjét

Na meg persze a "lives again"-t is jó egyre több helyen olvasni
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. december 01. 20:30 | Sorszám: 410
Na EZ a jó hír!!!! Végrevégre litium!

Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 27. 17:15 | Sorszám: 405
....és itt egy írás, amiben erröl és a Hesketh-röl is szó van:

http://www.examiner.com/x-14333-Green-Transportation-Examiner~y2009m11d20-Bat ...

Szóval "mostakkormelyik?" - Mindkettö!
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 27. 17:12 | Sorszám: 404
Tetszik az alsó képen, ahogy a benti Vectrix mögött ott a másik tükörképe is

GP - úgy tünik, hogy tényleg:
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 18. 17:33 | Sorszám: 400
Valóban: az a csillag nem igazán mutat sehová...
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 17. 23:05 | Sorszám: 398
A'News' részen:


October 2009
Exclusive importation and re-branding agreement signed with Vectrix.

A legfrissebb pedig:


London, 10th November 2009. Hesketh Motorcycles Ltd “HMC” (A division of Hesketh Motor Company Ltd) is pleased to announce that it has secured an exclusive deal with New Vectrix, which is continuing production of its world-renown zero emission electric bikes.
The bikes will be sold in the UK under the brand name “Hesketh” and will be called the Hesketh HZE-Vectrix. It will be marketed as a premium product for the commuter market with two new models expected during the course of 2010.

Ami az egészböl talán a legjobb hír:

...to offer a new contract to the current network of dealers which will include continued support* for all Vectrix bikes sold in the last two years.

Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 17. 22:11 | Sorszám: 396
...aki átnevezi a mocit??? Hmmm....

Nem lehet, hogy az új tulaj?
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 17. 20:28 | Sorszám: 394
Mi ez a Hesketh-dolog? Olyan lesz, mint az Opel/Vauxhall? Angliában Hesketh lesz(?) a Vectrix?

Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 15. 21:37 | Sorszám: 390
Február végefelé visszatérünk a dologra
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. november 14. 13:11 | Sorszám: 388
Én VX-1-et szeretnék, nem VX-1E-t

...de mostanában erre is kacsintgatok: http://www.swenergy.pt/s/product.php?id_product=23
Kinai, de már litium akksikkal, plusz valami visszatápláló fék-szerüség is van már neki, de közel sem olyan jó megoldás, mint a Vectrixé. Lassúbb is kicsit (110km/h van az infónál, de már tudom 1-2 tulajtól hogy kb 90-95 a max amit bír), de sokkal olcsóbb, mint egy új Vectrix. De persze még mindig nem az...

Közeleg a február, amikor a fiam örökli a mostani mocit, addig döntenem kell
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. október 23. 01:17 | Sorszám: 382
Szerintem meg az újregátor a nyerö...
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2009. szeptember 30. 20:34 | Sorszám: 376
Bocsánat az "offtopikért"

Egy Vectrix-hír:
Vectrix Enters Into Asset Purchase Agreement
MIDDLETOWN, R.I., Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ --- Vectrix Corporation (AIM: VRX) (www.vectrix.com), a leader in Personal Electric Vehicles, announced today that it has entered into an asset purchase agreement to sell most of the assets of the Company to New Vectrix LLC ("New Vectrix"), a Delaware limited liability company sponsored by GH Venture Partners LLC. As part of the agreement, Vectrix has filed a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in Wilmington, Delaware whereby the sale of the assets, including its stock ownership of its European subsidiaries, will be effected pursuant to section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code. The assets will be sold pursuant to a sales and procedures order that is anticipated to be approved by the Bankruptcy Court to either New Vectrix LLC or to another buyer who is determined by the Bankruptcy Court to have offered a higher and better bid for the assets of the Company. During this process, the Company expects to continue normal business operations consistent with its obligations as a chapter 11 debtor-in-possession company under the jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court. The Company's subsidiary, Vectrix Poland Sp. z.o.o., will continue to produce the Vectrix bike and will provide customers with accessories, spare parts and technical support.

Commenting on the sale, Mike Boyle, CEO of Vectrix, said, "This transaction provides a platform to continue the Vectrix brand and its advanced electric vehicle technology. We want to express our appreciation to our partners and customers for their continued patience and support during this transition."

Terms of Asset Purchase Agreement
Under the Asset Purchase Agreement, New Vectrix LLC would purchase substantially all of the Company's assets and assume certain of the Company's liabilities through a supervised sale under section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code. Providing New Vectrix LLC is the winning bidder they have also agreed to extend warranty coverage on the Vectrix vehicles previously sold to dealers and consumers up to a $2,000,000 cap for claims filed 60 days post-petition. The total purchase price consists of a cash payment of $1,750,000 plus the assumption of up to $3,306,000 in specified liabilities for a total purchase price of up to $5,056,000, but is subject to higher and better bids, approval of the Bankruptcy Court and customary closing conditions. The Company expects to engage in a bidding process with other interested parties. Those interested in submitting bids should contact John D. McGuinness, Chief Financial Officer, at 401-848-9993 ext 103, or via email at jmcguinness@vectrixusa.com, as soon as possible as competing bids are expected to be due by October 27, 2009.

The Company's report and accounts for the year ended September 30, 2008 will not be published before September 30, 2009. On that date, trading on AIM in the Company's securities will have been suspended from trading for six months, and as a consequence of AIM Rule 41 those securities' admission to AIM will be cancelled with effect from October 1, 2009.

About Vectrix Corporation
Vectrix Corporation was formed in 1996 to develop and commercialize zero-emission vehicle platform technologies focused on two-wheel applications. The single focus of Vectrix has been to provide clean, efficient, reliable and affordable urban transportation. Vectrix Corporation has headquarters in Middletown, R.I., engineering and test facilities in New Bedford, Mass., sales offices in the UK and a manufacturing facility in Wroclaw, Poland.

SOURCE Vectrix Corporation
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. szeptember 07. 11:21 | Sorszám: 358
Így van, ez a helyes!
(Ha jól tudom az ólmos akksik szeretik ha mindig töltve vannak, a NiMH esetében ez azért nem jó mert van nekik ez a "memory-effect"-jük. Emiatt kell a komplett ciklus.
2-3 ilyen teljes lemerítés után elképzelhetö, hogy te is érzel majd javulást a "lefáradt" akksik teljesítményében
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. szeptember 05. 12:26 | Sorszám: 356
Szoktál csinálni komplett "lemerítés-feltöltés"-t?
A legtöbb km-t gurult Vectrixes ismerösöm asszem havonta (vagy kéthetente...?) egyszer megcsinálja és 13 ezer km után még olyanok az akksik mint újkorukban.
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. augusztus 08. 12:13 | Sorszám: 351
Hehe, ezt olvastam ezzel kapcsolatban az egyik fórumon:

President Obama Announces $2.4 Billion in Grants to Accelerate the Manufacturing and Deployment of the Next Generation of U.S. Batteries and Electric Vehicles

Did Obama send a check already?

Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. július 26. 11:37 | Sorszám: 342
"Londonban nem csak ingyenes az utcai töltés, de az EV-k ingyen parkolhatnak a belvárosban és a "dugóadó" alól is mentesülnek."
Ott aztán tényleg rengeteget lehet spórolni egy elektromos járgánnyal (mint pl az Ev'ie.... vagy a Vectrix ).
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. július 25. 11:36 | Sorszám: 339

Itt pár Vectrix is feltünik.
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. július 24. 16:31 | Sorszám: 337
3 Vectrixes (és még pár kisebb e-robogós) ismerösöm már át is vette a kulcsokat
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. július 22. 20:27 | Sorszám: 335
Nagggyon helyes!
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2009. július 21. 17:46 | Sorszám: 331
Nem tudom ebböl mennyi igaz, vagy mennyire megbízható a forrás... de ha az, akkor ez igazán jó hír:

"I do have some information but can not share as the law firm I work at is working for one of our clients and we can not divulge specific information. But I can tell you this when this deal is completed in the next few days the compay will be as strong as the strongest companies out there. Plus the brand will live on and the problems that existed before will be fixed. I was doing research when I found this site for the client and I just do not want them to have to change everyones minds about it being dead or not. They have done extensive planning over the weekend in order to gt things moving. That is all I can say if I am lying may I die.
(...) it is not Harley buying Vectrix I promise you that. As for the financial issues the company currently has will not transfer and be a burden to the next company as it can be a brand and assett only purchase. The corporation does not need to live on for Vectrix to survive only the brand with the IP for the inovations need to survive. In other words it is not as dire as most people think it is. The corporation after sale of assetts can file bankruptcy and go away with the brand name and the scooters living on."
Tovább ...
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