Téma: Energia |
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Erről a HVDC-ről már korábban is olvastam, kicsit hitetlenkedve .... Mert úgy tudtam, hogy nemigen lehet gazdaságosan 500 kilométernél messzebbre szállítani (közvetlenül, mert a "power grid" az más tészta) .... De úgy látszik, ez a HVDC egyre inkább felmerül a megújuló energiák kapcsán! Ha jól emléxem, Ausztrália és Szingapúr között van is ilyen, és már működő összeköttetés!! ( A'szem, az "csak" 2000 kilaméteres ) |
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hümm Idézet: The Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project will be a new electricity generation facility entirely powered by solar and wind energy combined with a battery storage facility. Located in Morocco’s renewable energy rich region of Guelmim Oued Noun, it will be connected exclusively to Great Britain via 3,800km HVDC sub-sea cables.
This “first of a kind” project will generate 10.5GW of zero carbon electricity from the sun and wind to deliver 3.6GW of reliable energy for an average of 20+ hours a day. This is enough to provide low-cost, clean power to over 7 million British homes by 2030. Once complete, the project will be capable of supplying 8 percent of Great Britain’s electricity needs.
https://xlinks.co/morocco-uk-power-project/ |
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"Wind-to-Hydrogen Project Formed in partnership with Xcel Energy, NREL's wind-to-hydrogen (Wind2H2) demonstration project links wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) arrays to electrolyzer stacks, which pass the generated electricity through water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen. " https://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/wind-to-hydrogen.html
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na, itt már szerintem jobban van ábrázolva, mert a hidrogén előállításának csak a megújuló módon előállított villamosenergiából van csak igazán értelme, s nem az "electrical grid"-ből nyert árammal .... |
gajo |
Hm. Rácsapott mint gyöngytyúk a takonyra! |
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Vajon, van már olyan, hogy csővezetéken szállítanak hidrogént? .... Mintha azt olvastam volna valahol, hogy a meglévő gázvezetékek nemigen alkalmasak hidrogénre is, mert az már átdiffundál a nem speciálisabb csövek falán .. |
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https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/en/business-areas/hydrogen-technologies-and-ele ...
Idézet: Power to Gas (PtG) is the conversion of electrical energy (electricity) into chemical energy (gas) by water electrolysis. The hydrogen gas produced can be used energetically (as fuel) or also chemically (in industry). The accompanying diagram shows how this approach functions and the coupling of the different energy sectors. Based on the unavoidable conversion losses in the process chain, the Power to Gas concept is coupled with renewable energy sources in particular. Hydrogen, an ideal companion for renewables, has the potential to store large amounts of energy over long periods of time in chemical form thus levelizing the renewable energy supply in the energy system. In principle, hydrogen can also be reconverted back into electricity; however economically attractive options emerge with the intersectoral linking of zero-emission mobility and the chemical industry. New possibilities for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in these sectors open up.
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mi van faß, megpróbáltál hozzászólni? ( mellesleg: pl a földgáz az prkatice cca 95 % CH4 ) |
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Fele a fűtőértéke mint a gáznak. |
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https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/germany-denmark-want ... Idézet: Germany, Denmark want hydrogen pipeline by 2028 By Nikolaus J. Kurmayer | EURACTIV.com 24-03-2023 (updated: 28-03-2023 )
Copenhagen and Berlin want a land-based hydrogen pipeline in place across the two countries’ joint borders by 2028, which would make it easier for Germany to import large volumes of hydrogen to fuel its industry.
Hydrogen, a gas that does not emit greenhouse gases when burned, is commonly used in industry, with steelmakers, in particular, expected to increase their demand.
By 2030, German industry is expected to consume upwards of 90 TWh of the gas, up from the 60 TWh of dirty hydrogen today. Berlin expects that much of that should come from Denmark. ....
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vajon, hogy állnak? .... má' csak 1 év van hátra! ..
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A tökmag és dinnyemag fúziójából tökösdinnye lesz? |