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Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2016. január 01. 08:54 | Sorszám: 31
Charles Kálmán: Hudson Concerto (1948; orch. 1960)
Közzététel: 2013. nov. 16.

Charles Kalman (1929-2015) (Allemagne)
Hudson Concerto (Piano Concerto No. 1) (1948 ; orchestrated in 1960)
Pianist : Charles Kalman
Dir : Heinz Geese

On collectionCB3 we can also listen to Charles Kalman's « Piano Concerto No. 2 "Panamericana" » (1965) and « Three Moods » for piano and orchestra (c. 1960 ?).


Kép: http://youtu.be/5eoOOTiMGdQ
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 31. 09:28 | Sorszám: 30
Siegmund von Hausegger: Nature Symphony (1911)
Közzététel: 2013. szept. 13.

I. Gehalten un mit Dehnung - schnell - 00:00
II. Langsam und gedehnt - 18:30
III. Stürmisch bewegt - 38:04
IV. Sehr breit, mit größter Kraft - 45:44

Siegmund von Hausegger (16 August 1872 -- 10 October 1948) was an Austrian composer and conductor. Siegmund was born in Graz, the son of Friedrich von Hausegger (1837-1899), a lawyer and writer on music. According to Siegmund's own account, Friedrich was "one of the first in Austria to recognize the greatness of Richard Wagner and to exert himself to the utmost in propagating his music and his ideas". According to one account, the young von Hausegger may have been made the vehicle of his critic-father's ideals. Siegmund studied music initially under his father, and a strong Wagnerian tinge is found in his own compositions, which included masses, operas and symphonic poems as well as many choruses and songs.

Hausegger conducted orchestras in many German and Austrian cities including Graz; Munich, where he shared the conductorship of the Kaim Orchestra with Felix Weingartner; Frankfurt (1904-6); Berlin (Blüthner Orchestra, 1910-15); and Hamburg (1910-20). After the First World War he served as conductor of the Scottish Orchestra in Glasgow and Edinburgh before returning to Munich as conductor of the Munich Philharmonic and president of the Munich Academy of Music. In 1920 he succeeded Max von Schillings as president of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein.

He was the first conductor to perform Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 9 in its original form. The symphony had been posthumously premiered in a version which had been substantially edited by Ferdinand Löwe. Löwe made changes to the harmonies, dynamics and phrasing in a bid to make the symphony more acceptable to the public. On 2 April 1932, Hausegger presented a concert in which the symphony was performed twice by the Munich Philharmonic; first in Löwe's version then using Bruckner's original autograph. Today the symphony is almost always presented in Bruckner's original form. Hausegger assisted Robert Haas and Alfred Orel in preparing the edition of Symphony published as Volume 9 of Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Werke and he also made the first commercial recording of the symphony with the Munich Philharmonic in 1938 for HMV, using that edition. He retired from conducting in the same year. He died in Munich
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 3 | Válasz | 2015. december 30. 08:34 | Sorszám: 29
Robert Fuchs: Serenade No. 3 (1878)
Közzététel: 2013. nov. 3.

I. Romanze - Andante Sostenuto - 00:00
II. Menuetto - 4:24
III. Allegretto Grazioso - 10:15
IV. Finale alla Zingarese: Allegro con fuoco - 17:52

Robert Fuchs was an Austrian composer and music teacher. As Professor of music theory at the Vienna Conservatory, Fuchs taught many notable composers, while he was himself a highly regarded composer in his lifetime.

"Unfailingly tuneful and enjoyable, Robert Fuchs's piano trios are an easily accessible way to get to know a composer whom Brahms greatly admired," noted the magazine Gramophone. "In his time Fuchs was very highly regarded, with one critic famously pointing to Fuchsisms in Mahler's Second Symphony."

The reason his compositions did not become better known was largely because he did little to promote them, living a quiet life in Vienna and refusing to arrange concerts, even when the opportunities arose. He certainly had his admirers, among them Brahms, who almost never praised the works of other composers. But with regard to Fuchs, Brahms wrote, "Fuchs is a splendid musician, everything is so fine and so skillful, so charmingly invented, that one is always pleased."Famous contemporary conductors, including Arthur Nikisch, Felix Weingartner and Hans Richter, championed his works when they had the opportunity but with few exceptions, it was his chamber music which was considered his finest work.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 29. 11:35 | Sorszám: 28
Anton Eberl: Symphony in E-flat major, Op.33 (1803)
Közzététel: 2013. júl. 17.

Picture: Der Stephansdom vom Stock im Eisenplatz by Rudolf von Alt.

Anton Eberl

Work: Symphony in E-flat major, Op.33 (1803)

Mov.I: Andante sostenuto - Allegro con fuoco e vivace 00:00
Mov.II: Andante con moto 11:40
Mov.III: Menuetto. Allegro vivace 17:03
Mov.IV: Finale. Allegro assai 20:22

Orchestra: Concerto Köln

Conductor: Werner Ehrhardt
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 28. 18:08 | Sorszám: 27
Anton Diabelli: Missa Pastorale in F-major, Op.147
Közzététel: 2013. dec. 10.

Anton Diabelli (5 September 1781 -- 7 April 1858) was an Austrian music publisher, editor and composer.

Work: Missa Pastorale in F-major, Op.147

Kyrie 00:00
Gloria 02:56
Credo 08:09
Sanctus 17:23
Benedictus 19:49
Agnus Dei 24:01

Chorus: Augsburger Domsingknaben

Orchestra: Residenz Kammerorchester München

Conductor: Reinhard Kammler
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 27. 20:14 | Sorszám: 31
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 27. 19:59 | Sorszám: 30
Már akinek. Mendelzonból nem lesz szalonna.


(Ez az orgonista a fiacskám ismerőse)
Zsíros B. Ödön
Olvasta: 6 | Válasz | 2015. december 27. 19:37 | Sorszám: 29
Csak egy megjegyzés:
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 27. 19:21 | Sorszám: 28
Hát, ja. Nagy marhaság volt Pécsről (meg korábban Debrecenből) elengedni.

Egy gyöngyszem: gyerekek, ha még egyszer ilyen pontosan léptek be, felrobbantok egy szolfézstanárt!
Máskor hírül vette, hogy Gardiner a kórusával egy Bach-művet akar előadni. Nagyon csípte a csőrét: mit akar Gardiner a bandájával? Minek foglalkoznak olyasmivel, amihez fogalmuk sincs? Ott van nekik Mendelssohn, mért nem maradnak annál, az való nekik.
Zsíros B. Ödön
Olvasta: 7 | Válasz | 2015. december 27. 14:02 | Sorszám: 27
Tegnap délután lent voltam Butapesten. Összejött a fél B. család. Nagyszerű volt.

Hazafelé a rádiót hallgattam. A bekapcsolás után másfélmilliomod másodperc után ráismertem Kamp Solomon -nem a hangjára - tudására.

A h-miséről volt szó, gazdagon illusztrált előadásban. Hazaérvén nem tudtam abba hagyni a hallgatást, átváltottam mobiteflonra, mert Kicsi Gólyát is etetnem kellett -még ma is él, és pocakja van-, és sötétedésig hallgattam a nem igazán karácsonyi zenét.

Az említett tudós nem csak a mélységes Bach-tisztelete miatt figyelemre méltó, hanem igaz keresztyénsége miá is.

Remélem a hangtárban visszahallgatható.

Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 27. 10:17 | Sorszám: 26
Antonio Casimir Cartellieri: Clarinet Concerto No.3 in E-flat major
Közzététel: 2013. dec. 7.

Picture: Giovanni Paolo Panini - Roman ruins and sculpture (c. 1755)

Antonio Casimir Cartellieri (27 September 1772 - 2 September 1807) was a Polish-Austrian composer, violinist, conductor, and voice teacher.

Work: Clarinet Concerto No.3 in E-flat major

Mov.I: Allegro con spirito 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio 09:55
Mov.III: Rondo 15:18

Clarinet: Dieter Klöcker

Orchestra: Prague Chamber Orchestra

Conductor: Karel Stadtherr
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 26. 08:23 | Sorszám: 25
Alban Berg: Piano Sonata in One Movement
Feltöltés: 2011. okt. 14.

Glenn Gould plays the Sonata in One Movement by Alban Berg (HD video)
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 25. 10:02 | Sorszám: 24
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger: Konzert für Maultrommel, Mandora und Orchester F-Dur
Közzététel: 2015. szept. 26.

I. Allegro Moderato
II. Andante
III. Menuett: Moderato
IV. Finale: Allegro molto

Fritz Mayer: Maultrommel
Dieter Kirsch: Mandora
Münchener Kammerorchester,
Dirigent: Hans Stadlmaier,

Dirck van Baburen: Young Man With Jew's Harp, 1621,
Höhe 84 mm, Breite 70,7 mm, Centraal Museum, Utrecht,
John Moore: Jew's Harp, via Ramshorn Studio;
Sir Peter Lely: Boy Playing a Jew’s Harp, ca.1648, via Tate Gallery;
Krister P.: The Young Jew's Harp Player, 2011.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 23. 08:25 | Sorszám: 23
Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow: Uns Ist Ein Kind Geboren
Concertkoor Rijswijk 9-12-2011
Feltöltés: 2011. dec. 16.

Rijswijk Bonifatiuskerk, vrijdag 9 december 2011
Daniel Salbert - dirigent
RBO Sinfonia - orkest
Tijn van Eijk - continuo
Nienke Oostenrijk - sopraan
Myra Kroese - alt
Falco Loon - tenor
Julian Hartman - bas
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 22. 07:00 | Sorszám: 22
Richard Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Közzététel: 2015. jún. 24.

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)


_HANS SACHS: Norman Bailey
_FRITZ KOTHNER: Gerd Nienstedt
_BALTHASAR ZORN: Martin Schomberg
_AUGUSTIN MOSER: Michel Sénéchal
_HERMANN ORTEL: Helmut Berger-Tuna
_HANS FOLTZ: Rudolf Hartmann
EVA: Hannelore Bode
MAGDALENE: Julia Hamari
DAVID: Adolf Dallapozza
EIN NACHTWÄCHTER: Werner Klumlikboldt

Sir Georg Solti


Kép: www.murashev.com/opera/Die_Meistersinger_von_N%C3%BCrnberg
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 21. 08:48 | Sorszám: 21
Nicolaus Vetter (1666-1734): choral
orgue Luz Saint Sauveur (F)
Közzététel: 2015. okt. 21.

Nicolaus Vetter est né en 1666 vraisemblablement à Herschdorf (Allemagne du sud). Il fit l'élève de G. Wecker en 1681 à Nuremberg puis de J. Pachelbel en 1688, il prend sa succession deux ans plus tard à la Predigerkirche d'Erfurt. Il laissera ce poste peu de temps après à J.H. Buttstedt car il est nommé à organiste à Rudolstadt.
Il compose des chorals pour orgue dont celui que vous entendez ici, destiné au temps de l'Avent.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 20. 08:26 | Sorszám: 20
Anton Urspruch: Symphony in E flat, Op. 14 (1881)
Közzététel: 2013. jan. 30.

Anton Urspruch (Frankfurt am Main, 1850 - 1907)
Symphony in E flat, Op. 14 (1881).

1. Allegro moderato (0:00)
2. Adagio espressivo (15:09)
3. Scherzo: vivace (28:07)
4. Allegro. Tempo ordinario (35:03)

Played by the Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie, conducted by Marcus R. Bosch

Illustrations: Frankfurt am Main, around 1900.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 3 | Válasz | 2015. december 19. 14:47 | Sorszám: 19
Georg Michael Telemann: Quartet in B minor (TWV 43:h30)
Közzététel: 2015. júl. 1.

Quartet for violin (orig. flute), viola da gamba, bassoon & continuo in B minor (TWV 43:h3), by Georg Michael Telemann (1748-1831).

This was attributed to his grandfather, Georg Philipp Telemann.

I. Adagio - 0:03
II. Vivace - 2:55
III. Andante - 6:45
IV. Presto - 8:56

Performed by REbaroque
dir. Maria Lindal (violin)

Picture: The Father's Curse - The Ungrateful Son [La malediction paternelle] (1777) by Jean-Baptiste Greuze.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 18. 10:13 | Sorszám: 18
Theodor von Schacht: Symphony in C-major
Közzététel: 2014. nov. 22.

Theodor von Schacht (1748 in Strasbourg – 20 June 1823 in Regensburg) was a German composer.

Work: Symphony in C-major

Mov.I: Un poco grave - Allegro 00:00
Mov.II: Andante 10:06
Mov.III: Menuetto moderato 18:05
Mov.IV: Vivace 22:59

Orchestra: Evergreen Symphony Orchestra

Conductor: Gernot Schmalfuss
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 17. 13:49 | Sorszám: 17
Joachim Raff: The fairy of love
Közzététel: 2014. febr. 12.

Symphony Orchestra of Norrlands Opera,
Conductor: Andrea Quinn
Violin: Tobias Ringborg

Painting: In the style of John William Waterhouse

La fée d'amour:
"As well as his two Violin Concertos, Raff wrote a Suite for violin and orchestra and this concert-piece, which is the earliest of all his concerted works having been written in 1854, whilst working with Liszt in Weimar. It was one of Raff's earliest orchestral works and for a time was quite popular, receiving several performances. The love fairy of the title is depicted by the solo violin in this attractive but perhaps overlong work."
(texts from Raff.org © 2009 Mark Thomas)
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 16. 13:09 | Sorszám: 16
Johann Joachim Quantz: Flute Concerto in G minor Qv 5:196 (No 262)
Közzététel: 2014. márc. 3.

Johann Joachim Quantz

Flute Concerto in G minor Qv 5:196 (No 262)

I. Allegro di molto ma con brio 00:00
II. Larghetto 06:16
III. Presto 12:48

Frank Theuns, transverse flute designed by J.J. Quantz in 1750 and made in 2009
Les Buffardins

Recorded: 17-20 October 2011 in Antwerp, Belgium
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 15. 22:29 | Sorszám: 15
Johann Pachelbel: Canon in D Major
Közzététel: 2015. febr. 21.

Canon in D Major perform by Raymond Leppard & English Chamber Orchestra

paintings by John William Godward (1861–1922) ............
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 14. 10:58 | Sorszám: 14
Jacques Offenbach: Barcarolle
Feltöltés: 2011. júl. 12.

This is one of the music videos I made for the Glengarriff Summer 2011 Miscellany.

For more information, check out www.glengarriff.ie

Zene: „Barcarolle from Gaîté Parisienne”, előadó: Berliner Philharmoniker & Herbert von Karajan
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. december 13. 08:27 | Sorszám: 13
Johann Gottlieb Naumann: Amphion - Aria di Antiope - Med din sång, du redan funnit seger
Feltöltés: 2011. dec. 10.

Johann Gottlieb Naumann


Aria di Antiope: Med din sång, du redan funnit seger i min ömma själ

Antiope: Gertrud Hoffstedt, soprano

Drottningholms Barockensemble

Thomas Schuback
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. december 12. 08:19 | Sorszám: 12
Thomas Mancinus: Cantio Nova
Feltöltés: 2009. szept. 7.

Thomas Mancinus (1550 - c. 1611):

This splendid motet (being preserved in the Royal Library, Copenhagen) was dedicated and presented to the young Danish king Christian IV at some point during the 1590s. The composer was kapellmeister to the duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Germany (he was later succeeded by the famous composer Michael Prætorius). There was at that time a close connection between Denmark and Braunschweig, because the duke was married to Christian's sister.

The poem is a reworking by the Lutheran humanist and poet Eobanus Hessus of Psalm 127(128). However, for this occation, Mancinus changed 'O charissime Christiane' (O dear christian) of the second line to 'potentissime CHRISTIANE' (O most powerful Christian), thereby addressing the poem to the Danish king. The motet is stylistically related to Orlando di Lasso, who was an ideal for German composers at that time.

Prima pars:
Vitam quæ faciunt beatiorem
potentissime CHRISTIANE sunt hæc:
Æternum Dominum Deum timere,
mandatique sui vias amare.
Sit victus manuum labore partus,
sit vivis bene, sic eris beatus.

Secunda pars:
Uxor prole tuam domum beabit
lætis ut generosa vitis uvis.
Ad mensam tibi filii sedebunt
ut pinguis teneræ novell' olivæ.
Sic fidus benedicitur maritus,
in casto Domini timore vivens.

Tertia pars:
Donet te benedictione semper
ex Zion Dominus Ierusalemque
florentem faciat bonis videre,
ut natos videas et inde natos
et pacem super Israel per ævum,
hic dicat pius omnis Amen, Amen.

(Psalm 127/128 - Eobanus Hessus)

First part:
The things that make life really blessed,
O most powerful CHRISTIAN, are these:
Fearing the eternal Lord God
and loving the ways of his commandment.
Let your food be the fruit of the labours of your hands,
thus you live well, thus you will be blessed.

Second part:
Your wife will bless your house with offspring,
as a noble vine with plentiful grapes.
Your sons will sit at your table
like the tender shoots of a succulent olive tree.
Thus is the faithful husband blessed
who lives in chaste fear of God.

Third part:
May the Lord always give you his blessing
from Zion, and make you see Jesusalem
flourishing with prosperity,
that you may see your sons and sons of theirs,
and peace upon Israel for all your time.
Here every pious man must say "Amen, Amen".

(Psalm 127/128 - Eobanus Hessus)

The Hilliard Ensemble
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