Téma: Fa Nándor újra tengerre szállna |
R.András |
Colman rigging jury mast Tuesday 14 February 2017, 07h35 Conrad Colman reported last night that he has made positive steps in establishing a jury rig on his dismasted Foresight Natural Energy. By last night he had finished the repairs to the boom and cut and set up the standing rigging and was looking to a long night of sailmaking, cutting the bottom part of his mainsail to fashion a sail to allow him to make good use of the faourable southerly breezes. The forecast shows southerly and south westerly breezes to Friday at least. ... www.vendeeglobe.org/en/news/18801/colman-rigging-jury-mast
Nincs letörve a Kölök ! |
mackó |
Sajnos elég súlyos hiba lehet a hajójában ... |
R.András |
Eric Bellion 9th in the Vendée Globe, first rookie Monday 13 February 2017, 17h59 From one of the most prolonged and challenging storms encountered by any of the 29 skippers who left Les Sables d’Olonne on Sunday November 6th last year, French solo skipper Eric Bellion emerged triumphant, securing a remarkable ninth placed in the Vendée Globe solo round the world race when he crossed the finish line at 1658hrs UTC. Bellion took 99 days 4 hrs 56 mins for his actual 28,048 miles route, averaging 11.78 kts. He is the first ‘rookie’ solo skipper – someone who had never before started the Vendée Globe - to complete this eighth edition of the solo round the world race. ... www.vendeeglobe.org/en/news/18795/eric-bellion-9th-in-the-vendee-globe-first- ... |
R.András |
Conrad Colman has turned Foresight Natural Energy and is moving slowly in the right direction now, going NE at a slow speed. He has a W'ly wind this morning of 15kts which will turn more W. The latest update from his team says:" Conrad finished the repairs during the night, he is cooking the composite with heat pads and a survival blanket! He will try to get the boom up this morning if he thinks it's dry and strong enough." ... www.vendeeglobe.org/en/news/18777/bellion-expected-tonight |
Felkesz Deneverr |
Na, Konrád most legalább már "jó" iránybanyba tart.. de még piszok lassan... |
Felkesz Deneverr |
It's Complicated Sunday 12 February 2017, 07h45
The final miles to Les Sables d'Olonne remain complicated for Eric Bellion who tacked yesterday afternoon and is sailing SE towards the north coast of Spain as he battles upwind. Bellion still has 25-30kts of cold NE'ly wind and 320 miles to make to the finish line.
Brutal! Colman vows to fight on, Bellion mast track damage
Bellion is still sailing under headsail only as he has a problem with his main halyard. His aim is to try and sort it later today if the wind eases, but presently he is making fair progress. He will still have 35kts from the SE late this afternoon if he crosses towards the centre of the low pressure but as it stands he still has around 36 hours of racing to get to Les Sables d'Olonne, although this is obviously dependent on what sail configuration he can manage to set.
There has been no further news from Conrad Colman on his dismasted Foresight Energy. Winds should ease off progressively for Colman today but it remains extremely difficult on board with big seas and 25-30kts of wind. It is a waiting game for the Kiwi skipper. He is in full energy conservation mode right now. http://www.vendeeglobe.org/en/news/18763/it-s-complicated |
Felkesz Deneverr |
http://hosszabbitas.hu/egyeni/vitorlazas-egyeni/nem-adja-fel-fa-nandor-korabb ...
Nem adja fel Fa Nándor korábbi csapattársa 2017.02.11. 14:37 Németh Dániel
Mint arról már beszámoltunk, súlyosan megsérült Conrad Colman hajója a Vendée Globe elnevezésű földkerülő vitorlásversenyen. Az új-zélandi vitorlás – aki Barcelonában Fa Nándor munkáját is segítette korábban – a versenytáv 97%-át már teljesítette, így körülbelül 700 mérföldet kellene haladnia, hogy beérjen a célba.
A Foresight Natural Energy nevű hajó magyar idő szerint péntek éjszaka sérült meg, miután óriási hullámokba kerültek. Ilyen körülmények között az egyensúlya sem volt megfelelő a vitorlásnak. Az csak a napfelkelte után derült ki, hogy elég nagy gondba került Colman, aki kénytelen volt megszabadulni az árbóctól és a fővitorlától, hogy ezzel megakadályozza a további sérüléseket. Az orrvitorlát és a keresztrudat sikerült megmenteni, igaz a legfrissebb hírek szerint utóbbi is megsérült. ....
R.András |
An incredible spirit: Nandor Fa delighted with eighth Wednesday 08 February 2017, 16h22 Nandor Fa was expansive, warm and happy to spend time sharing the details of his race with the public and the media, French, Anglo-Saxon and Hungarian. That he will not be back to race the Vendée Globe again, that this was the final finish line for him brought a real mix of emotions for the Hungarian skipper. The last few miles before the finish line he was already in a jubilant, boisterous mood aboard the boat he designed himself. He was on the bow punching the air, he was on the stern waving to the media and to friends and family for some 15 minutes before the line. ... www.vendeeglobe.org/en/news/18693/an-incredible-spirit-nandor-fa-delighted-wi ... |
R.András |
Retour sur la conférence de presse de Nandor Fa mercredi 08 février 2017, 15h46 À 63 ans, Nandor Fa vient de terminer un second Vendée Globe, 24 ans après sa première participation. Le marin hongrois confie être fatigué, autant que son bateau. Cependant, il se pourrait bien que le "Spirit of Hungary" flotte encore un moment dans le monde de la course au large puisque Nandor affirme qu'il a déjà les plans d'un nouveau bateau en tête. Retour sur sa conférence de presse. ... www.vendeeglobe.org/fr/actualites/18691/retour-sur-la-conference-de-presse-de ... |
Felkesz Deneverr |
Ahaaaaa , akkor lehet, hogy ilyesmire van utalás, miszerint a team azon töri a fejét, hogy hogyan tudná megoldani a helyzetet, külső segítség nélkül... Hiszen, akkor még akár be is érhetne jó helyen, hisz' már "csak" 700 mérföldje van hátra! Hajrááááá, Konrád!!!
R.András |
"Maradjunk annyiban, hogy amit az elmúlt hónapokban csináltam, az nem normális" |
Felkesz Deneverr |
Úgy nézem, megint nem sikerült .... Sikerült viszont belerohannia a viharba, vagy történt valami egyéb... Most a trackingen az látszik, hogy 1.2 csomóval pont visszafelé sodródik .. (Szembeszél van!) |