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Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 05. 22:01 | Sorszám: 1087
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 05. 20:55 | Sorszám: 1086
Bach: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen (BWV 51)
Feltöltés: 2011. júl. 30.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51

Emma Kirkby - Soprano
Crispian Steele-Perkins - Trumpet
English Baroque Soloists
Sir John Eliot Gardiner
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 04. 08:38 | Sorszám: 1085
G. Holst - The planets Op. 32 - Berliner Philharmoniker - H. von Karajan
Közzététel: 2013. jan. 26.

The Planets, Op. 32, is a seven-movement orchestral suite by the English composer Gustav Holst, written between 1914 and 1916. Each movement of the suite is named after a planet of the Solar System and its corresponding astrological character as defined by Holst. With the exception of Earth (the centre of all yet influentially inert astrologically, all the astrological planets known during the work's composition are represented.

From its premiere to the present day, the suite has been enduringly popular, influential, widely performed and frequently recorded. The work was not heard in a complete public performance, however, until some years after it was completed. Although there were four performances between September 1918 and October 1920, they were all either private (the first performance, in London) or incomplete (two others in London and one in Birmingham). The premiere was at the Queen's Hall on 29 September 1918, conducted by Holst's friend Adrian Boult before an invited audience of about 250 people. The first complete public performance was finally given in London by Albert Coates conducting the London Symphony Orchestra on 15 November 1920.


The work is scored for an exceptionally large orchestra:
Woodwind: 4 flutes (3rd doubling 1st piccolo; 4th doubling 2nd piccolo and a "bass flute in G", actually an alto flute), 3 oboes (3rd doubling bass oboe), an English horn, 3 clarinets in B-flat, a bass clarinet in B-flat, 3 bassoons and a contrabassoon
Brass: 6 horns in F, 4 trumpets in C, 3 trombones (2 tenor and 1 bass), a "tenor tuba" (euphonium in B-flat) and a bass tuba
Keyboards: a celesta, and an organ
Percussion: 6 timpani (2 players, 3 drums each except in "Uranus" having 4 drums for 1st and 2 drums for 2nd), a bass drum, a snare drum, cymbals, a triangle, a tam-tam, a tambourine, a glockenspiel, a xylophone, and tubular bells
Strings: 2 harps, 1st and 2nd violins, violas, cellos, and double basses
Voices: ("Neptune" only), 2 three-part women's choruses (SSA) located in an adjoining room which is to be screened from the audience.

The suite has seven movements, each named after a planet and its corresponding astrological character (see Planets in astrology):

00:00 I.Mars, the Bringer of War
07:21 II.Venus, the Bringer of Peace
15:58 III.Mercury, the Winged Messenger
20:14 IV.Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
27:50 V.Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age
37:12 VI.Uranus, the Magician
43:15 VII.Neptune, the Mystic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Planets (Los planetas) op. 32, es la obra más conocida del compositor inglés Gustav Holst y fue compuesta entre 1914 y 1918. Es una suite de siete movimientos a cada uno de los cuales Holst le dio el nombre de un planeta (y su correspondiente deidad en la mitología grecorromana).

La obra le fue sugerida por su amigo y también compositor Clifford Bax, durante un viaje a Gibraltar en 1912. El compositor se puso a la tarea y completó la suite en los cuatro años que duró la Primera Guerra Mundial. Debemos la primera ejecución de la obra a Adrian Boult en 1918, que desde entonces se convirtió en el director favorito de Holst para esta obra. Dicha primera ejecución (de carácter privado) se debió a un "regalo" al compositor de su amigo y también compositor Henry Balfour Gardiner.

Está parcialmente inspirada por meditaciones en su propio horóscopo; trata sobre "las siete influencias del destino y componentes de nuestro espíritu". A pesar de ello, el propio Holst declaró que la obra se basaba en la significación astrológica de los siete planetas representados en ella; que no era "música de programa", que en caso de pretender encontrar un "programa", bastaba con los subtítulos de cada sección. Finalmente, declaró que "no había relación alguna con las deidades de la mitología clásica correspondientes a cada planeta.

The Planets, como reza su subtítulo, es una suite "para gran orquesta". Instrumentos nada habituales, como la flauta baja o el oboe barítono o bajo y unos nutridos efectivos de percusión (bombo, batería, platillos, Triángulo (instrumento musical), tambor militar, pandereta, gong, campanas, xilófono y glockenspiel, así como dos timbalistas) y metal (6 trompas, 4 trompetas, 3 trombones, tuba tenor y tuba bajo) forman, entre otros, la nómina de la suite. Es quizás la orquesta más grande empleada jamás por Holst.


La suite está formada por los siguientes movimientos:

1. Marte, el portador de la guerra.
2. Venus, el portador de la paz.
3. Mercurio, el mensajero alado.
4. Júpiter, el portador de la alegría.
5. Saturno, el portador de la vejez.
6. Urano, el mago.
7. Neptuno, el místico.

Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. január 03. 15:05 | Sorszám: 1084
Adoración de los Reyes Magos (el dindirindín)
Feltöltés: 2009. aug. 14.

Mateu Fletxa el Vell (Mateo Flecha el viejo, 1481-1553) - Ensalada - La Bomba
Interprete: Hespèrion XX, Jordi Savall

- villancico -

Ande, pues, nuestro apellido,
el tañer con el cantar
concordes en alabar
a Jesús rezién nascido.

- dindirindín -

Bendito el que ha venido
a librarnos de agonía.
Bendito sea este día
que nasció el contentamiento.
Remedió su advenimiento mil enojos,


Benditos sean los ojos
que con piedad nos miraron
y benditos que ansí amansaron tal fortuna.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 02. 18:08 | Sorszám: 1083
Te Deum - Pierre Cochereau
Feltöltés: 2011. máj. 24.

El nombre del órgano principal de la catedral es François.

I. Grand-Orgue
C--g3 II. Positif
C--g3 III. Récit
C--g3 IV. Solo
C--g3 V. Grand-Chœur
C--g3 Grande Pédale
C-f1 Petite Pédale
Violon Basse 16'
Bourdon 16'
Montre 8'
Viole de Gambe 8'
Flûte harmonique 8'
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Octave 4'
Doublette 2'
Fourniture 2-5 rgs
Cymbale 2-5 rgs
Bombarde 16'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Chamades :
Chamade 8'
Chamade 4'
Chamade REC 8'
Montre 16'
Bourdon 16'
Salicional 8'
Flûte harmonique 8'
Bourdon 8'
Unda Maris (co) 8'
Prestant 4'
Flûte douce 4'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Plein jeu 3-6 rgs
Fourniture 5 rgs
Cymbale 4 rgs
Clarinette 16'
Clarinette 8'
Clarinette 4'
Récit expressif :
Quintatön 16'
Diapason 8'
Flûte Traversière 8'
Viole de Gambe 8'
Bourdon Céleste 8'
Voix Céleste (co) 8'
Octave 4'
Flûte Octaviante 4'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Octavin 2'
Bombarde 16'
Trompette 8'
Basson Hautbois 8'
Clarinette 8'
Voix Humaine 8'
Clairon 4'
Récit classique (fo) :
Cornet 5 rgs
Hautbois 8'
Chamades :
Chamade 8'
Chamade 4'
Chamade Regale 8'
Chamade GO 8'
Chamade GO 4'
Bourdon 32'
Principal 16'
Montre 8'
Flûte harmonique 8'
Quinte 5 1/3'
Prestant 4'
Tierce 3 1/5'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Septième 2 2/7'
Doublette 2'
Fourniture 3 rgs
Fourniture 5 rgs
Cymbale 4 rgs
Cornet 2-5 rgs
Cromorne 8'
Chamade GO 8'
Chamade GO 4'
Principal 8'
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Septième 1 1/7'
Piccolo 1'
Plein jeu 4-6 rgs
Tuba Magna 16'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Principal 32'
Contre-Basse 16'
Soubasse 16'
Quinte 10 2/3'
Flûte 8'
Violoncelle 8'
Tierce 6 2/5'
Quinte 5 1/3'
Septième 4 4/7'
Octave 4'
Contre Bombarde 32'
Bombarde 16'
Basson 16'
Trompette 8'
Basson 8'
Clairon 4'
Bourdon 8'
Flûte 4'
Tierce 3 1/5'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Flûte 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Piccolo 1'
Fourniture 3 rgs
Cymbale 4 rgs
Sordun 16'
Chalumeau 4'
Clairon 2'
Chamade REC 8'
Chamade REC 4'
Chamade Regale 8
Chamade GO 8'
Chamade GO 4'
Joeur: Pierre Cochereau.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. január 01. 21:59 | Sorszám: 1082
Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613): Responsoria: Tristis est anima mea
Közzététel: 2013. nov. 4.

Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613)
Responsoria pour l'Office des Ténèbres de la Semaine sainte, 1611

I. Tristis est anima mea

Collegium Vocale Gent
Philippe Herreweghe, direction

Album "Gesualdo: Responsoria 1611", 2013 Phi
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. január 01. 17:33 | Sorszám: 1081
mius - aranyszárnyú
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2014. december 31. 23:30 | Sorszám: 1080
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2014. december 31. 20:47 | Sorszám: 1079
Külön világ – Egy óra Lajkó Félixszel
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2014. december 31. 15:30 | Sorszám: 1078
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater - Talens Lyriques
Feltöltés: 2011. okt. 8.

This (complete) performance of Pergolesi's "Stabat Mater" is from a concert given at Saint Denis on June 23rd 2009 by Les Talens Lyriques conducted by Christophe Rousset. The soloists were Sabina Puertolas (Soprano) and Vivica Genaux (Mezzosoprano).

Note on the second piece of music in this video.

The 'encore' is the the 'Fac me' from Pasquale Cafaro's setting of the Stabat Mater. A complete performance of which has very kindly been uploaded by Raimondo di Sangro, you can hear it here: ...

It's a rather lovely setting that is well worth spending time listening to and I urge you to do so.

Stabat mater

Stabat mater dolorosa
Iuxta crucem lacrimosa,
Dum pendebat Filius.

Cuius animam gementem,
Contristatam et dolentem,
Pertransivit gladius.

O quam tristis et afflicta
Fuit illa benedicta
Mater unigeniti.

Quae moerebat et dolebat,
Pia mater, cum videbat
Nati poenas inclyti.

Quis est homo, qui non fleret,
Christi matrem si videret
In tanto supplicio?

Quis non posset contristari,
Christi matrem comtemplari
Dolentem cum Filio?

Pro peccatis suae gentis
Vidit Iesum in tormentis
Et flagellis subditum.

Vidit suum dulcem Natum
Moriendo desolatum,
Dum emisit spiritum.

Eia mater, fons amoris,
Me sentire vim doloris
Fac, ut tecum lugeam.

Fac ut ardeat cor meum
In amando Christum Deum,
Ut sibi complaceam.

Sancta mater, istud agas
Crucifixi fige plagas
cordi meo valide.

Tui Nati vulnerari
Tam dignati pro me pati
Poenas mecum divide.

Fac me vere tecum flere,
Crucifixo condolere
Donec ego vixero.

Iuxta crucem tecum stare,
Et me tibi sociare,
In planctu desidero.

Virgo virginum praeclara,
Mihi iam non sis amara,
Fac me tecum plangere.

Fac, ut portem Christi mortem
Passionis fac consortem
Et plagas recolere.

Fac me plagis vulnerari
Cruce hac inebriari
Ob amorem Filii.

Inflammatus et accensus
Per te, Virgo, sim defensus
In die iudicii.

Fac me cruce custodiri
Morte Christi praemuniri
Confoveri gratia.

Quando corpus morietur
Fac, ut animae donetur
Paradisi gloria.

English Translation

The mother was standing sorrowfully
next to the cross, tearful
as her Son was hanging.

Whose soul, groaning,
sad and sorrowful,
the sword has pierced through.

Oh, how miserable and afflicted
was that blessed
mother of an only Son.

She lamented and grieved,
the holy mother, when she saw
the pains of her glorious Son.

Who is the man that would not weep
were he to see the mother of Christ
in such distress?

Who would not be made sad
at the thought of Christ's mother
grieving with her Son?

For the sins of his people
she saw Jesus subjected to
torments and lashes.

She saw her sweet Son
dying, deserted
as he gave up his spirit.

O mother, thou fount of love,
make me feel the force of your grief
so that I may mourn with you.

Make my heart burn
with love for Christ the God
so that I may be reconciled with him.

Holy mother, grant this favour,
imprint the wounds of the Crucified
deeply within my heart.

Your wounded Son,
who deigned to suffer so much for me,
may he share his pains with me.

Let me truly weep with you,
and suffer with the Crucified
as long as I live.

To stand beside you at the cross
and join with you in lamentation,
is my desire.

O Virgin, pre-eminent among virgins,
do not be bitter towards me,
let me weep with you.

Let me bear the death of Christ,
let me share in his passion,
and contemplate his wounds.

Let me be wounded with his wounds,
intoxicated by the cross
and the blood of your Son.

Though I burn and am aflame,
may I be defended by you, O Virgin,
on the day of judgement.

Let me be protected by the cross,
fortified by the death of Christ,
strengthened by grace.

When my body dies,
let my soul be granted
the glory of paradise.


Much of the work's music is based on Pergolesi's setting of the Dies Irae. It's divided into twelve movements, each of which is named after its incipit.

1. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa" Grave, F minor, common time; duet
2. "Cujus animam gementem" Andante amoroso, C minor, 3/8; soprano aria
3. "O quam tristis et afflicta" Larghetto, G minor, common time; duet
4. "Quae moerebat et dolebat" Allegro, C minor, 2/4; alto aria
5. "Quis est homo" Largo, C minor, common time; duet

— "Pro peccatis suae gentis..." Allegro, C minor, 6/8

6. "Vidit suum dulcem natum" Tempo giusto, F minor, common time; soprano aria
7. "Eja mater fons amoris" Andantino, C minor, 3/8; alto aria
8. "Fac ut ardeat cor meum" Allegro, G minor, cut common time; duet
9. "Sancta mater, istud agas" Tempo giusto, C minor, common time; duet
10. "Fac ut portem Christi mortem" Largo, G minor, common time; alto aria
11. "Inflammatus et accensus" Allegro ma non troppo, G minor, common time; duet
12. "Quando corpus morietur" Largo assai, F minor, common time; duet

— "Amen..." Presto assai, F minor, common time.

Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 30. 15:20 | Sorszám: 1077
Brunckhorst: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte
Közzététel: 2013. jan. 12.

Arnold Matthias Brunckhorst (1670 - 1725)

Collegium vocale und Collegium instrumentale Bochum
Hans Jaskulsky
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 29. 15:31 | Sorszám: 1076
Hildegard von Bingen: O vis aeternitatis, Liber Scivias
Közzététel: 2012. okt. 13.
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179), O vis aeternitatis, response,
from "Canticles of Ecstasy".
Sequentia, Benjamin Bagby, Director.
Bagby and Barbara Thornton joined by 7 female vocalists
(including the magnificent vocalists Lena Susanne Norin and Laurie Monahan)
and fiddlers Elizabeth Gaver (a new core member of the ensemble) and Elisabetta de Mircovich.
Sadly, Barbara Thornton,co-founder of Sequentia, a pioneer and scholar in the rediscovery and performanceof the music of Hildegard von Bingen,
died from a brain tumor on November 8, 1998, at the age of 48 in Cologne, Germany.
In her Memory.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2014. december 28. 10:27 | Sorszám: 1075
Th. Morley - Dances for Broken Consort, from the First Booke of Consort Lesson (1599)
Közzététel: 2012. nov. 29.

From THE FIRST BOOKE OF CONSORT LESSONS, made by diuers exquisite Authors, for six Instruments to play together, the Treble Lute, the Bandora, the Cittern, the Base-Violl, the Flute & Treble-Violl
[published by William Barley in 1599]

William Byrd [1543-1623]
I. Mounsier's Almaine - 0:05

John Dowland [1562-1626]
II. Lachrimae Pavan - 2:39

Anonymous composer [16th c.]
III. Michill's Galliard - 7:15

John Dowland
IV. My Lord Chamberlain's Galliard (lute duet) - 9:31

Richard Nicholson [c.1570 - Oxford, 1639]
V. The Jew's Dance - 12:04

John Dowland
VI. Captaine Piper's Pavan - 13:51
VII. Galliard - 18:07

William Byrd
VIII. My Lord of Oxenford's Maske - 21:12

Thomas Morley [1557/8-1602]
IX. La Coranta- 24:05
X. Lavolto (La volta) - 26:32

Performed by The Early Music Consort of London
dir. David Munrow (recorder)
D. Nesbitt (triple viol), Jane Ryan (bass viol)
Desmond Dupre (Renaissance lute)
Ian Harwood (cittern)
Robert Spencer (pandora / lute)
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 22. 20:17 | Sorszám: 1074
Francesco Maria Veracini: Largo
Közzététel: 2012. szept. 6.
Ruggiero Ricci - violin, Leon Pommers - piano
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 22. 09:49 | Sorszám: 1073
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1553-1612): Sonate e Canzoni
Közzététel: 2012. aug. 7.

1. Canzon septimi toni a 8* 0:00
2. Canzon V a 7** 04:33
3. Canzon primi toni a 10* 08:14
4. Canzon noni toni a 8* 11:25
5. Canzon VIII a 8** 14:40
6. Canzon X a 8** 20:19
7. Ricercar del primo tono 24:52
8. Canzon duodecimi toni a 10* 28:10
9. Canzon seconda*** 33:55
10. Canzon in echo duodecimi toni a 10 accomodata per concertar con l'organo* 36:51
11. Canzon septimi toni a 8* 41:36
12. Canzon VI a 7** 45:34
13. Canzon duodecimi toni a 8* 50:23
14. Canzon XI a 8** 54:40
15. Sonata octavi toni a 12* 58:57
16. Canzon XII a 8** 1:02:56
17. Canzon XIV a 10** 1:06:58
18. Canzon XVI a 12** 1:11:02

* Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597
** Canzoni e sonate, 1615
*** Canzoni per sonare, 1608

Jan Willem Jansen, Liuwe Tamminga
aux orgues de San Petronio, Bologna


Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen, violon
Veronika Skuplik, violon
Bruce Dickey, cornet
Doron Sherwin, cornet
William Dongois, cornet
Yoshimichi Hamada, cornet
Ole-Kristian Andersen, trombone
Wim Becu, trombone
Cas Gevers, trombone
Franck Poitrineau, trombone
Charles Toet, trombone
Simen van Mechelen, trombone
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 20. 13:02 | Sorszám: 1072
Alfredo Catalani: In gondola, barcarola-improptu
Giuseppe Tavanti, pianista
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2014. december 19. 12:53 | Sorszám: 1071
Anton Reicha: Symphony No.3 in F-major (1808)
Közzététel: 2013. nov. 17.

Anton Reicha (26 February 1770 - 28 May 1836) was a Bohemian-born, later naturalized French composer of music very much in the German style.

Introduction - Allegro 00:00
Adagio 11:50
Menuetto: Allegro 19:40
Finale: Allegro vivace 27:47

Beethoven Academie, conductor: Jan Caeyers

Picture: Frederic Church - Chimborazo
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 17. 20:48 | Sorszám: 1070
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 5, "Reformation"
Közzététel: 2014. aug. 30.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Symphony No. 5 in D Major, Op. 107 "Reformation"
1. Andante - Allegro con Fuoco 11:01
2. Allegro Vivace 5:31
3. Andante 3:14
4. Coral: Una firme fortaleza es nuestro Dios - Andante com moto - Allegro Vivace - Allegro Maestoso 8:36

London Symphony Orchestra
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 16. 09:30 | Sorszám: 1069
Giovanni Stefano Carbonelli (Rome, ca. 1690 - London, 1772): Sonata X in G minor
Közzététel: 2013. ápr. 17.

From 'Sonates pour violon & basse continue' (Alfa, 2003)

1. Largo
2. Allegro
3. Largo
4. Giga

Hélène Schmitt, violin
Gaetano Nasillo, cello
Andrea Marchiol, harpsichord
Karl-Ernst Schröder, Baroque guitar
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 15. 10:28 | Sorszám: 1068
Corelli: "Christmas Concerto" in G Minor
Feltöltés: 2007. dec. 4.


Concerto Grosso for two violins, cello, strings and basso continuo in G Minor "Fatto per la notte di Natale" Op. 6 No. 8

1. Vivace
2. Grave "Arcate, sostenuto e come sta"
3. Allegro

Performed by Musica Amphion
Featuring Remy Baudet & Sayuri Yamagata, violin
Richte van der Meer, cello
Hank heyink, archlute
Conducted by Pietr-Jan Belder
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 09. 09:54 | Sorszám: 1067
3. abonmajski koncert celjskega godalnega orkestra
Közzététel: 2012. márc. 8.
6. marec 2012 - Narodni dom
Solistka: Maja Kojc, oboa
Dirigent: Nenad Firšt
Ferenc Farkas: Piccola musica di concerto
Vincenzo Bellini: Koncert za oboo in godala
Robert Fuchs: Serenada za godala v e-molu, Op.21, št.3
Več na:
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 08. 14:57 | Sorszám: 1066
Si suona a Napoli - 18th century Neapolitan flute concertos
Közzététel: 2014. jan. 28.

CDS 7674 - Produced by DYNAMIC S.r.l. Genova, Italy - 2013 - DDD

Nicola Bonifacio Logroscino, Davide Perez, Aniello Santangelo*, Giuseppe Sellitto*, Antonio Palella*
(*) World Première Recording


LE MUSICHE DA CAMERA (on original instruments)
Egidio Mastrominico - Concertmaster e First Violin

Gianluca Pirro, Giovanni Rota
Vincenzo Bianco (tracks 1-7),
Roberto Roggia (tracks 8-16),
Federico Valerio
VIOLA - Fernando Ciaramella
CELLO - Leonardo Massa
DOUBLE-BASS - Ottavio Gaudiano
THEORBO and BAROQUE GUITAR - Giuseppe Petrella
HARPSICHORD - Debora Capitanio

Recorded at: Museo Diocesano (Donnaregina Nuova Church), Naples, 12th-13th July, 30th September, 1st-2nd October 2011.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 07. 15:26 | Sorszám: 1065
G. Bizet: Az arles-i lány - II. szvit, Farandole
Győri Filharmonikus Zenekar
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2014. december 06. 08:03 | Sorszám: 1064
Gottlieb Muffat: Chaconne in G major - Janos Sebestyen, harpsichord
from the collection "Componimenti Musicali per il Cembalo"
Recorded 1967
Sebestyen website: http://www.jsebestyen.org
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Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2014. december 05. 08:08 | Sorszám: 1063
Corelli: Concerto Grosso Op. 6, No. 3
Performed by Sydney Camerata Chamber Orchestra live in March 2010.
Musicians: Concertante- Liz Gormley (violin), Freya Franzen (violin), Mee Na Lojewski (cello), Anthony Hamad (harpsichord).
Tutti- Liisa Pallandi, Christina Morris, Anna O'Brien, Rebecca Gill, Arabella Bozic, Alina Zamfir, Heather Lindsay, Ben Ward.
Video Credit: Thijs Rozeboom, Autumn Leaf Films
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