Téma: Olvastátok? (14.) |
iszalag |
Demands for aluminium increased after World War II. Parallelly, the issues of the processibility of larger-quantity bauxite components such as iron and titanium came into the centre of research.
László Gillemot stood at the head of these research activities. Since 2 tons of alumina is required for the production of 1 ton of metallic aluminium, which quantity could be produced from 2.5-3 tons of bauxite. Some bauxites, however, contain about 2.5% titanium dioxide. Thence follows that about 50 kg metallic titanium may accompany each ton of aluminium produced.
In 1957, the professor was the first to produce a titanium sponge to be turned into a solid rod of metallic titanium. He received his second Kossuth Award for the production of this material. Metallic titanium-making in Hungary opened new vistas for steel alloying as well. "Completely different types of steel can be made using metallic titanium as an alloying element", he wrote in the Department Reports of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. |