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Téma: Dzsordzs Szorosz
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Olvasta: 10 | Válasz | 2016. november 29. 23:15 | Sorszám: 0
Puppet Masters:

https://www.sott.net/article/333954-Carnivore-of-the-first-order-Check-out-th ...

@02:00 - Malaysian PM calls him a "moron" and a "criminal."

@06:00 - Interviewer: "There is an inherent contradiction: on the one hand you're the capitalist who does not care about the social consequences of his actions. On the other hand, you're a philanthropist who cares only about social consequences. How do you resolve the two? Which George Soros am I talking to now; the amoral George Soros or the moral George Soros?"

Soros: "It's one person who at one time engages in amoral activities and the rest of the time tries to be moral."

A tipikus moral insanity.

Soros: "Well, I could be on the other side; I could be one from whom things are being taken away, but... [seems to struggle a bit, before breaking into a smile again] Actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets; if I weren't there doing it, somebody else would be there taking them away anyhow. Whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator. I had no role in taking away their property, so I had no sense of guilt."

Az antiszociális személyiségzavar fő ismérvei: nem érez, nem szorong, nem látja be a hibáját, kényszert érez mindennek a bírálatára, ugyanakkor képtelen másokat értékelni, dicsérni, elismerni. Kiválóan képes bárkit megtéveszteni.

@13:10 - Interviewer: "One of your money-managers told us, 'George really does think he's God'."

Totális személyiségzavar.

Tovább ...
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